Apology after apology. It seems as if the only race of men that are always apologizing are African American. A month, much less a year, doesn’t go by where some famous African American male isn’t apologizing for something they have said or done. African American males are always apologizing, even when they say things that make sense. All apologies from African American males about things said need to be put on hold for the next 100 years due to mental illness.
The list of apologizing African American males for comments about society is long. The Kyrie Irvin saga, which led to a brilliant retort to reporters from LeBron James, is the latest. I won’t get into who is right or wrong. Everyone has their own definition of what is right and wrong. The issue is the fact that unless an African American male is acting or doing things the way society tells them, they are wrong. The apology is the culmination of humiliation. African American males need to put a freeze on all apologies for speaking their mind.
How can a ravished, hunted, exploited, mentally neutered individual be blamed for anything they say? I worked with mentally challenged students for years and understood that their mental conditions led them to say or do anything. Look at the African American male. Many have aped after the white man so long they have lost any dignity, much less their minds. How can an abused, tortured person be held accountable for foolish outbursts? These previous conditions are multiplied by 10,000 when you look at the professional African American athlete.
The prize Negro athlete is groomed first by their parents, later the school system, for one purpose. The purpose of the Negro athlete is to entertain white people. There will be some other races who enjoy the prize Negro’s talents, but the race holding the purse strings is white. With this being said, many of the prize Negro athletes are not groomed for enlightening thought. Many are passed along in the education system. This means that many African American prize athletes were not groomed to be scholars. The goal for these Negroes is to entertain and be “show pieces” for old white men to buy and trade. In recent years these old white men have had to tell these prize Negroes to shut up more than previous decades. This is due to some of these prize Negroes having developed independent thought.
In 2022 prize Negroes are making more money than previous African American athletes could have dreamed of. Money does not mean that these prize athletes are not the chattel of rich old white men. That is why prize athlete African American males have to occasionally eat crow. These old white men crack the whip on their prize bucks. Yet, these old white men need to understand that in many cases it is not the African American male’s fault. Just like it wasn’t the mentally challenged student’s fault in the classroom. In 2022 isn’t there any pity for the long-suffering African American male? Evidently not.
Famous African American males need to get off social media. The Instagram, Twitter, and other accounts are only leading African American males into troubled water. The few scholarly prize Negro athletes need to write books and do lecture tours to express their views. I say write books because the only ones who will read the book will be ones who can benefit from the message. These scholarly African American athletes also need to stop trying to change white people or tell them about themselves. This is a waste of time. When a vast majority of white people look at African American males, they see a talking monkey.
African American males, stop apologizing for speaking your mind today. The circumstances of your life in the USA gives you a pardon for any verbal outburst you may have. Think before you speak and more importantly, identify who is listening.
Frank James IV © 2022
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.