African Americans have put up with more in the USA than any race of people in the history of the world. African Americans are the only race of people who have had a government spend trillions of dollars to destroy them for more than 200 years. African Americans need to take time and celebrate the simple fact that they still exist.
“It’s a celebration to last throughout the year.” That line comes from Celebration, by Kool and The Gang. African Americans are still in a 2022 USA war zone, but for the next hour or so relax and celebrate existence. African Americans, think about how your people have overcome deadly plans like COINTELPRO and are still walking the face of the planet. Do not let other races bring you down either. No other people could survive the emotional torture African Americans have gone through in the USA. Celebrate.
African Americans can still produce children even after programs like Planned Parenthood were geared to reduce their numbers. Healthy African American children are still being born in every state of the Union. The US government has tried to retard and sabotage African American reproduction via birth control for decades. Even with this attempt, healthy African American children are still being born. Celebrate.
African Americans, hold your heads up high even though there are some African people who come to the US and look down upon you. Don’t fret that there are some African-born people residing in the USA that try to exploit African Americans like whites do. If it had not been for the sacrifices of African Americans, these African people would not be in the USA. Do not knock these African people for their ignorance. Embrace the fact that once these African people are called the N-word by whites they will wake up. These African- born people will then realize how much African Americans have overcome.
African American females, celebrate the fact that you are still the prize in the USA. The conquest of the African American people has always been through the African American female. For centuries the white power structure has tried to brainwash African American females into loving white males. In 2022 the majority of African American females still choose African American males as mates. The white based fashion industry has attempted for decades to make African American females hate their natural beauty. Yet, in 2022 the number of African American females who are into the natural look is on the rise.
African American males, the simple fact that you are even on the planet is a miracle. Nothing on the planet Earth has been hunted like the African American male. African American males are still here after the: drugs, effeminate clothing, and the lunatic music that is designed to drive them insane. The prisons and grave yards are full of African American males who are victims of the white push to eradicate them. Yet, go into any town, city or village and you will see an African American male walking or driving down the street. White men still envy African American male physique and confidence. Maybe this is why white males have done so much to erase African American male existence.
The simple fact that African Americans are among the wealthiest black people on the planet is astounding. African Americans are in a system designed to keep them impoverished. African Americans were forced to give up everything and adopt the ways of people who hated them. Yet, African Americans still prospered in some form or fashion in the USA. Other people of color look down on African Americans. None of these races have played in the arena African Americans have, and still are. The daily racism that African Americans don’t even notice would drive these people of color to suicide.
Celebrate African Americans. Celebrate your existence. Celebrate your greatness. Celebrate the fact that you have lived in the belly of the beast and are still here. African Americans are not only on the planet, but will one day rule it.
Frank James IV © 2022
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.