African Americans hold your heads up and be proud of who and what you are. There is no shame in your existence on planet Earth. African Americans have been tortured mentally, physically and spiritually for centuries. Hold your head up, African Americans, and stand tall in the fact that you are still here.
I saw a teenage African American female walking with her head down. This female’s energy reeked of defeat and depression. African American females, don’t let the abusive US society break you. For more than 500 years, African American females have been manipulated and harassed by a society that sought to turn them against their true nature. African American females, you have no reason to ever hold your head low. No other female on this planet has been attacked psychologically for centuries.
One example of this mental barrage is the warfare tactic to make you turn against the African American male. The goal of white oppression is to make the African American female lose faith in the African American male. This is why you see all forms of media depicting the African American male in a negative light. The goal is to make the African American female independent yet, dependent on the white man, via the US social/economic structure. This insidious ploy has worked. The confusion between the African American male and female is one of the main reasons there is so much strife in African American relationships and their community.
For years the African American female has had to adopt looks and manners that white society set for females. The social norms for looks in the USA are based on white female characteristics. African American females fought for decades to hold onto their natural looks. The constant barrage from various sources of media has caused many African American females to succumb to the pressure. The blond, red and even blue weaves that many African American females wear in 2024 are an example of this. There is no shame for being manipulated into a conundrum of someone else’s making. The key is to understand the psychological warfare tactic, and overcome it in your mind.
The African American male is not exempt from this brutal attack on the mind. The African American male has been blasted into a neutered state via the psychological warfare he has been subjected to. For centuries the goal was to create a physically strong, yet mentally weak African American male. This was done by fear and also the manipulation of the key to US society. The key being – money. It is the quest for money that makes the African American male sell drugs in his own neighborhood. It is the pursuit of money that makes him kowtow to other races and mentally lick their boots in corporate America.
Money has been used to get the African American male to become his own assassin via the music industry. To be specific – rap music. Rap music has set the African American male back 500 years. The glorification of murdering other African Americans has generated billions of dollars for white-owned recording companies. These token rappers have gotten a fair share of crumbs from Master’s table during this process. These crumbs are to ensure the negative music will keep coming for decades to come. In 2024 the flow of music doesn’t seem to be drying up. There are rappers who are adding alternative lifestyle elements into their attire and demeanor. Just like their female counterparts, African American males have to understand what is going on and refocus their energies to become strong mentally and spiritually.
Hold your head up, African Americans. Hold up your heads and stand tall. You are still here, African Americans, after the billions of dollars spent to eradicate you from the planet. African Americans, you are here and you can still win. Hold up your heads and make the attempt.
Frank James IV © 2024
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.