On Thursday, January 17, 2019, during a town hall meeting hosted by 6th district Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, six individuals and organizations were honored that have contributed to the improvement of the 6th district, making it a great place to live. The event was held at the Bader Philanthropies, Inc. headquarters, 3300 N. MLK Drive. The honorees were presented with the Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Award.
“The award winners have each been working diligently to make our neighborhood and our community better, and that is the epitome of the spirit and mindset of Dr. James G. White,” said Alderwoman Coggs. Pictured are the honorees Hephatha MICAH Holy Ground Core Team (Block Club), Calvary Baptist Church (organization), Keyon Jackson-Malone (resident), Rev. Charles Watkins (resident), Sherman Dixon (resident), and Danielle McClendon-Williams (resident).