Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs with Dr. Tito Izard, pictured accepting the Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Organization award.
Several residents, a block club and a community organization were honored on Thursday, January 30, 2014, during the 6th District town hall meeting by Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs for making the district a great place in which to live, and each was presented with a 2014 Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Award.
Alderwoman Coggs, who presented the awards during the meeting (held in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, 310 W. Locust St.), said selfless and dedicated work to improve the district, neighborhoods and the community is truly worthy of recognition and thanks. “It takes a certain amount of love and respect for one’s community and neighbors to tirelessly do positive things without regard for what reward or gain may come of it,” she said.
“That selfless attitude and generosity of spirit and energy is what the Difference Makers Award is all about, as it truly embodies the beliefs and actions of the late Dr. James G. White,” Alderwoman Coggs said.
The 2014 Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Award winners were:
• Grover Heights Neighborhood Association (Block Club)
• Milwaukee Health Services, Inc. (Organization)
• Betty Speed (Resident)
• Julia Doyle (Resident)
• Albert Cole (Resident)
• Ruth Weill (Resident)
Alderwoman Coggs established the Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Awards to recognize those residents and organizations that work diligently to improve and strengthen the quality of life for themselves, their neighborhood and the City of Milwaukee. Dr. White was a resident of the 6th District who served as a county supervisor and the regional vice president of WestCare Wisconsin Harambee Community Center, facilitating countless neighborhood projects and programs and always using his gifts, talents and knowledge to improve and empower his community.