You can only shake your head when looking at the chaotic state of US society in 2024. There is confusion in politics. There is a lack of morals and hypocrisy displayed in every race that makes up the country. Ignorance is running rampant and wiping the minds of the next generation of US citizens. You have to wonder if this is some divine penance for the hatred US society has displayed toward African Americans.
How can a country that has so much be in such a state of confusion? There are people who don’t know what gender they are. On another hand there are people who can’t write in cursive graduating from college with honors. Many cities have people who don’t speak English running businesses in the US. Oh, and the US economy is failing. The list goes on and on when you look at the dysfunction that is permeating the USA. Could all this be a reward for how African Americans are treated in the USA?
Make no mistake about it. African Americans are the most persecuted people on the planet. I know there are some issues in the Middle East that are noteworthy, but when it comes down to persecution, African Americans face a whole other level. The Holocaust raged for twelve years. The Japanese were interred in prison camps for almost three years. African Americans have been persecuted in many forms and fashions for 500 plus years and counting. Imagine if the Jewish people in Germany were still being persecuted by the Nazis. You can’t because the Jewish people would be exterminated. The insidious persecution of African Americans is one that is designed to wipe them out while reproducing soulless imitations. Is this devious plot that is being carried out the reason some divine presence is throwing the USA into a state of chaos? You have to wonder.
If you can find a US public school teacher that will be honest, and talk about the state of education you would be shocked into silence. Oh yes, there are people who hold high test scores who can’t read cursive writing. There are high school students who are taking courses such as geometry and pre-calculus who struggle completing a multiplication chart to 12 without a calculator. You have people going into medical fields who, without the help of Google, would not be fit to change tires at a gas station. The age of the computer has wiped all serious learning out of the classroom. Technology is a wonderful thing; but remember, technology can be used to dumb people down as well as assist them. Is the dumbing down of America a form of divine penance for the treatment of African Americans? This question makes you wonder.
The US economy has always been fluid over the years. For some reason white America decided to recruit every other nationality from around the globe to come to the USA to work. This act alone is one example of the racist foundation of US society. Many of the people who come to the USA have no love for the country. A great amount of the monies made in the USA by many of these recruited races goes back to their home country. This means the money isn’t circulating in the USA. This would not be the case if African Americans were not being sabotaged at every turn. Who has shown more loyalty to the USA than African Americans over the years? No other group has, especially since no other group has been targeted for destruction by the USA like African Americans.
As the USA prepares to reelect Donald Trump and go into greater turmoil, you have to wonder. Is this confusion demonstrated by what was once known as The Super Power an act of God? Have the chickens not only come to roost, but been plucked and fried? If this is so then US society better pray. The job done to African Americans is almost complete. They don’t even know they are being persecuted anymore.
Frank James IV © 2024
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.