I recently received a message on social media from an African American, warning other African Americans about evil being among them. The evil came in the form of supposed DNA experiments on African American female embryos. I messaged the person back and asked a question. The question was simple, “What would you do if the roles were reversed?” The reply came immediately in the form of a question mark. I sent another message making it plain, “What would you do if the roles were reversed? Black and white people?” At the time of this writing I have not gotten a response back. A variation of the question is now posed to African Americans, “African Americans what would your actions toward white people be if you were running the USA and whites were the descendants of slaves?”
“White people are keeping us down and killing our young people!” You hear this cry in some form or fashion daily in the African American community. African Americans are quite justified in screaming about white racism and genocide in the USA. But, how would African Americans react if they had officially created the USA? How would African Americans react if they were the ex-slave holders and had to watch their ex-property sit in the front of the bus? How would African Americans react to having to share what they stole with the patsies they used to commit the crime? Would African Americans open their arms and embrace the former property that for decades they claimed we’re only three-fifths of a man? Be honest readers in your response. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
The education system in the USA is dumbing down all people, and enforcing white supremacy on African Americans. With this statement in mind, African American, what form of education would you use for your former slave offspring? Would you give all the ex-slave descendants free education to the best schools? Now keep in mind African American, you are educating these exslave descendants to compete with your children. African American, would you educate these same descendants of slaves about how you killed and exploited their ancestors? Or would you educate these potentially violent slave descendants in a way to keep them docile, ignorant and serving you? Remember African American, tell the truth and shame the devil.
African American, would you make the workforce equal and let them take over your businesses? Would you sit back and watch the corporations you created by stealing concepts, be usurped by people who only 158 years ago were just something used to pull the plow? African American would you admit that many of the ideas and inventions that made your country a world power were stolen from their white ancestors? African American would you say, “Hey come on in White American! Take my plush house in the suburbs and I’ll go live in a ghetto.” Remember African Americans this isn’t modern day 2023, this is a scenario where African Americans run the USA. With that in mind African American, how would you deal with keeping the economy firmly in your control? Shame the devil.
There are so many more aspects to this question I have posed to African Americans. Thinking people, of all races, have gotten the point of this article. A race of people will do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo, especially when they are on top. African Americans, do you really expect white people to just give you the keys to their kingdom and go meekly into oblivion? African American, would you go meekly into oblivion. Hold up African Americans. Do not answer that last question. Actions speak louder than words. African American actions towards each other in 2023, say it all.
Frank James IV © 2023
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.