The role of African Americans in the USA seems to have come full circle. African Americans came to this country in bondage more than 500 years ago. In 2022 some of the chains holding African Americans have changed. Yet, there are many old chains that are restricting African American growth on all levels. It is time for African Americans to identify and break these chains to survive and thrive.
The original chains were iron and were locked around African American necks and legs as they were brought to the USA. These chains are still around a large number of African Americans who are in the penal system. These chains will be hard to break because the African American youth are being programmed to make bad decisions. The influencing factor on youth is the music they listen to that glorifies “street life.” The modern day slave chains via the penal system lead us to more insidious chains, the chains on the African American mind.
The programming of the African American mind has created chains that have led to a form of retardation. The media has played a role in the strengthening of the mental binding of African Americans. African Americans are bombarded by media that stresses them to do anything and everything. African Americans are being manipulated to believe they need everything from new cars to anti-depressant drugs from the media. This constant mental attack has created a lethargy in African American minds to become consumers instead of producers. The chains of consumerism are wound so tightly around African Americans that they are being driven insane.
The education system in the USA has reinforced the chains of inferiority on African Americans. In 2022 African American children are still being mentally chained by an education system that is white propaganda. The education African American children receive is not in their best interests. The education the African American child receives is one that makes them a better tool for the racist system of oppression in the USA. No matter what subject is being taught the glorification of white people is extolled. The chains that an education against ones self creates, seriously hinder mental development. The lack of mental development in the African American community will only lead to destruction.
Sports has created chains that have warped any form of mental growth in the African American community. The goal of many African Americans is to play some form of pro sports. There is no way to look at pro athletes as anything but high-priced slaves. The mental chains that education and media have placed on African Americans prevents them from seeing this. Look at the various sports and the drafts they hold. They draft a strong African American male and he steps up on the block waving a jersey grinning. How does this differ from the prize buck in slavery? The answer is money and prestige. Which leads us to the final chain on African Americans.
Money has chained African Americans to their oppressors. African Americans have come to the point where they will do anything for white people’s money. There is no need to go into detail to explain this sad phenomenon. I challenge you to look at the internet or TV. Look at the roles African Americans play or the acts they do for likes or c-notes. If you do not see the chain that is squeezing African Americans like a python, then so be it.
African Americans, wake up and at least notice the chains that you carry in the USA. It may be hard to break some because of the familiarity and comfort of these chains. African Americans remember this, “A chain is still chain, even if it is platinum.”
Frank James IV © 2022
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.