In 2025, after more than 150 years since being emancipated, African Americans have adopted the definition of one of two words to explain their existence and actions. The two words are ‘brave’ and ‘foolish’. The reason African Americans are either one of the two previous words is because they are surrounded by enemies and seem not to care.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines brave as: having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear or difficulty. African Americans in the USA face danger, fear, and plenty of difficulty on a daily basis. African Americans are in a hostile land that has hunted them mercilessly on every level of existence. Yet, how do African Americans act in the USA? Do they rally their troops and prepare for battle? No. African Americans go about their daily lives acting as if they are at a party where they are the honored guests. This has to be a show of bravery that shames the charge of the Light Brigade.
African Americans have no friends in the USA. Is it bravery that has African Americans dancing, dunking, and singing while being surrounded by enemies? The Latino population has not shown a great amount of love for African American people. The white majority, well no need to beat a dead horse. Chinese people have not embraced African Americans either. Arab people only want African Americans to buy cheap liquor, beer and food from their stores and gas stations. No other ethnic group has shown much love for African American people in the USA. Well, the previous statements are partially true. At one time a few of the previously mentioned races men wanted African American females for pleasure.
Looking at African American reaction to the level of danger they are in, we have to wonder if instead of being brave, are African Americans foolish?Merriam-Webster defines foolish as: having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment or discretion. African Americans reaction to being surrounded by enemies who don’t have their best interests in mind is boggling. African Americans attack and exploit each other, instead of understanding that they are the only friend they have. Black on black crime has been an issue in the African American community for decades. Is killing one another brave? Is it brave to focus on training youth to dance, make TikTok videos and play sports, instead of educating them to create a safe environment to live in? When you look at the youth, and early adult age African Americans in 2025, you have to wonder if the previous generations before them were a bunch of fools. African American fools who attempted to create rainbow coalitions never understanding that black is not a color in the rainbow.
African Americans have a rough road ahead of them. The lack of morals and identity in the African American community can only lead to total genocide. A genocide that doesn’t necessarily mean extinction physically, but mentally and spiritually. A race on the tenuous ground that African Americans reside on needs to be rallying the troops. Instead African Americans are either exterminating their troops, or exposing them to exploitation and manipulation from their enemies. This is suicidal behavior. Maybe subconsciously African Americans want it to end?
African Americans have to take a serious look at themselves. African Americans need to understand they have no friends. Not even the Africans who come from Africa. Many African people who come to the USA view African Americans in the same fashion that other races do. African Americans you are the strongest people on the planet. Shake off the foolishness and show the world the bravery that resides in each of you.
Frank James IV © 2025
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.