It is the year 2025 – a new year with new opportunities for growth and success. Many people in the world will begin the year with fresh eyes and a new perspective. In 2025 African Americans need to adopt fresh eyes and use them to accept the truth of their existence. It is time for African Americans to see and embrace their reality; the USA does not need African Americans.
African Americans are extremely deluded about their importance to the overall success of the USA. For some reason, African Americans think that if they cease to exist the USA will collapse. The USA may collapse if African Americans became extinct, but not for the reasons African Americans believe. The US economy would take a major blow because no other ethnic group in the USA spends their money as wastefully as African Americans. The NBA may fail because African Americans do run down the court more than any other race in the organization. But overall, the USA would go on, and in probably better shape, without the modern African American.
“They need us. We created everything they have.” The previous statement is one that everyone in the USA has heard in some form or fashion from African American people. The statement is half true. The majority of inventions, culture, even music came from African American people. In 2025 African Americans need to understand that even though they may have created everything – from the envelope to the traffic light – white people control the results. With this in mind, why do white people need African American people when they have taken the inventions? No one needs a person reminding them they stole and are getting rich from the theft. Since African Americans have adopted a culture that embraces stupidity, the creative gene that invented many products is being destroyed. Yes, the USA would function just fine without African Americans.
African Americans can’t even lie and say the USA needs them for work purposes. African Americans used to be needed to do menial jobs and heavy labor. The USA doesn’t need African Americans for these tasks. The influx of people coming from Mexico and other Spanish speaking-countries have cut out the need for African American labor across the board. Add in the fact that there is a growing number of African Americans who try to get rich rapping or on Tik Tok, rather than work a 9-to-5 job. Some states are paying for graduating high school students to go to trade school. Many African American students ignore the trades and seek undergraduate degrees in business or fashion design. How many chicken wing outlets and custom hoodie shops can the African American community support? Why would a person choose to come out of college $50,000 in debt when they can come out of trade school and make $100, 000? Silly me. I forgot you can’t pledge a Black Greek Organization if you go to a two-year school. Have to keep those canes twirling and pinkies in the air.
African Americans aren’t even needed for sexual purposes in the USA. The obesity levels in both sexes have turned that option off. The exploitation of the African American female has dimmed her radiance and attraction. The lack of common sense and neutering of African American males has made him a shell of his former self. Fashion designers have manipulated African Americans of both sexes until neither knows who or what they are. Men carry man bags and wear tight jeans. African American women wear clothes that expose midriff bulge and give the illusion that they are going to the gym. Does the USA really need these people? If so, for what?
It is 2025, African Americans. Use the new year to look at your true status in the USA. You may be at the bottom, which is nothing new. The question is, what are you going to do to rise?
Frank James IV © 2025
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.