It is time for African Americans to wake up and see reality as it is. February is here, which means it is once again Black History Month. This is the month where African Americans can focus on understanding history and possibly changing their present. It is time for African Americans to wake up and make some radical changes or they won’t have a future.
February 2025 needs to be a time where African Americans understand, the effects of what they have allowed happen to them. I say allowed, because in the last 60 years, there have been numerous scholars that attempted to warn African Americans. The warnings foretold of the gross ignorance that seems to permeate the African American community. There were warnings about the feminization of the African American male. When you look at the African American community, it seems as if none of these warnings were heeded. African Americans better develop some common sense because there is new leadership in Washington, DC.
African Americans have to realize that money doesn’t justify every act. The music industry is a classic example of this. There are rap artists who make millions pushing their agenda of ignorance and mental poverty to young African Americans. Many African Americans think these entertainers are okay because they are a success. Who are they a success for? Whose agenda are these entertainers pushing on the African American community? Who truly gains from songs that push freakish behavior, drugs and violence? Is there any wonder why African Americans are being passed up by other minority groups in the country they shaped?
African Americans have to understand that there will be no assistance coming from any other race. No one is going to save African American people. The only reason another race would even think of doing this, is to keep African Americans as customers. Why would another race want to tie themselves to a people who can’t stand each other? Who wants to be around people who have a lunatic struggle going on between the male and female? Who wants to be around people who have sunk so low they don’t even realize they are acting out every racist stereotype that was said about them? The plight of the African American is so pathetic that other African people often shy away from them. Time to wake up African Americans.
African Americans say they have pride, but their actions denounce that. How can you be a proud man walking around dressing and acting like a child? How can you be proud to be a descendant of Black Queens when you have fake hair to your waist on your head? How are African Americans honoring the sacrifices of people who fought to gain education when many youth act like fools in school? How can African Americans claim to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., when they are extremely violent to each other? It is time to take a real look at yourselves, African Americans. Use Black History Month to do this.
Can African Americans do a complete 180 and save themselves? Yes. It is going to take some serious soul searching to do this. History can assist African Americans in this task. Use the history to find out where African Americans lost touch with the drive that made them overcome in the USA. It is time to truly look at African American youth and see how mentally weak and ignorant they are. This weakness can also be changed by using history and strong African American adult guidance.
African Americans can again be a force to be reckoned with. They have to want to be one. The stupidity that has tainted African American culture can be expunged. Will it be an easy task? Depends on your point of view. One thing is certain. If African Americans don’t make some serious changes they will not have to worry about the future. They won’t have a future.
Frank James IV © 2025
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.