Some people believe that parents are the closest people someone can have. Other people have the notion that the person who is the closest to a person would be a sibling, or a good friend. Both of these factions are right in one sense, but wrong in another. There is someone who is closer to you than either family or friend. That someone is the voice in your head.
Many people will say, “My Mama is the one person who knows me best.” Really? What about that voice in your head that you listen to? The voice that has been with you as long as you can remember. Is there anyone in the world who knows you as well as that voice? It is highly doubtful there is anyone, because that voice and you seem to be one. It knows what you are thinking and knows everything you do. Mama may not know about the inappropriate things you did at a friend’s party. That voice in your head does. The voice may be what encouraged you to do it in the first place.
The voice in your head knows you better than anyone on the planet. That voice in your head is your friend, ally and confidant. No person outside yourself has as much invested in your life and activities as the voice in your head. That voice is your first, and will probably be your last friend. The voice in your head will be there with you as you leave this mortal veil. While you are reading this article, the voice is telling you what the words mean and giving you views on the information. Now, do you see why I am saying the voice in your head is your closest friend? Next question: “Do you know the voice in your head as thoroughly as it knows you?”
It is time for people to truly look and analyze what that voice is. Who is that voice? Is it you? It seems to be talking in your voice as it gives you solutions and directives. Your life may go a lot smoother if you take the time to stop criticizing others and analyze the voice in your head. Your most important friend is that voice in your head. In all honesty, it is your only true friend. What is that voice telling you to do? Why is it telling you to do things? More importantly, why are you doing what it tells you? What impact does this friend have on the life you are living? These previous questions are ones most people never ask.
Listen to the voice in your head. Look at your life and ask yourself, “Am I living the life I want to live?” The voice will come back with an answer. This answer, in many cases, will begin to justify why your life is in the state it is in. This is why the voice in your head is your closest friend. This voice will make your life seem great or, if not great, place the blame for your life elsewhere. The voice in your head always has a great answer to get you out of problems. The voice always has some thought to make sure you find a way to feel okay about yourself. Keep in mind that the voice in your head is usually what got you into whatever situation you are in. Who is closer to you than that? No one is closer to you than the voice in your head. Not Mama, brother or lover.
Focus on your closest friend, the voice in your head. Analyze what it is telling you. Know that the voice in your head is your closest friend and ally. Make sure to keep in mind that you are what is listening to the voice. You are not the voice. The voice is your friend, not you.
Frank James IV © 2024
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.