There is beauty and positive people in the world. We often get so caught up in the madness of daily existence that the previous fact is often forgotten. Look around you and if you ignore the egoic mind, you will see several examples of beauty. For a few minutes, let’s put the negativity aside and seek out the beauty in life. It is there, just like there is beauty inside of you.
Anger and hatred abound in the world today. If you are looking for something to be angry about the Internet is full of news and images that are guaranteed to cause outrage. I learned a long time ago that you will find what you are looking for. If you want to have a reason to hate other races, believe me, there is an article/post on the Internet to satisfy your craving. There are also many images and stories depicting something beautiful, or someone who may have done something to make you smile. It is your choice on what you program your mind with.
Racism is here and, in some form or fashion, will probably always be in the USA. Even with this obvious fact you can find uplifting stories of people, of all races, who are doing positive things to offset the effects of racism. Do you want to walk around paranoid and hating other people you don’t know because of the color of their skin? You have to ask yourself this question. “Do I want to find something to make me angry and hateful? Or do I want to seek something that is going to make me smile and be at peace?” The answer and results are entirely up to you. There is nothing wrong with being optimistic and ‘seeing the glass as half full’.
I know plenty of men who complain about women. I know plenty of women who complain about men. If these wonderful people stopped talking about what makes them upset in a person, they might find what they seek. If you spend all day thinking or complaining about the type of person you don’t want, you are probably going to attract this negative person. We spend too much time thinking about what may go wrong in relationships instead of thinking about what can go right. Too often, people ignore the 90 percent good in a person by focusing on the 10 percent bad. We often see or meet the person we want, but allow circumstances or other people’s opinions to alter our judgment. This doesn’t mean everyone is for everyone…quite the contrary. What it means is that there is beauty in all people. If you do not see the beauty in a person, that means they are at a different stage or level than you at this time in their life. If you can’t see the beauty in other people, you may be having a hard time seeing it in yourself.
Take the time to seek beauty in your daily journey. Force yourself to see the beauty in others, even when they are acting/looking in ways you may not find appealing. Lay off the negative interactions with others because it has become the norm. Use the Internet to research something you find pleasing instead of reading the daily news that is filled with confusion. Look in the mirror while listening to the voice in your head and realize that no matter how it chatters, you are beautiful and there is beauty in the world.
Frank James IV © 2023
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.