There is a problem in the African American community. There is the crazed relationship dance between African American females and males. On various media platforms you have both genders complaining about the faults of the other. This embarrassing situation will go on forever unless the African American community realizes one thing. The 2024 African American is still living with Willie Lynch.
Willie Lynch is in every African American couple’s life. Willie is inside their bedroom when they go to sleep at night. Willie is with the African American couple when they eat dinner. Willie is there when they take their sacred wedding vows to each other. The African American couple doesn’t realize that their vows to each other mean nothing because they are already married to Willie. Until Willie is expunged from the African American mindset, relationships in the African American community will be a farce.
Who is Willie? Willie Lynch is a mythical figure who gave a speech to some slave owners in 1712. Did he exist? There are many who say Willie never walked on Earth. Yet, when you read the infamous Willie Lynch Letter, and look at African Americans over the years you have to wonder. The document is available on the internet for reader perusal. There are some concepts explained in the document that hit home when it comes to African American relationships.
One key statement in Willie’s letter about breaking the African American woman is, “You’ve got the Negro woman out front and the man scared and behind.” In the USA this breaking tactic has worked profoundly. This is one reason there is such confusion in the African American version of relationships. Many African American women have been trained via a form of Willie’s manipulation to not need a man. Well, if a woman doesn’t need a man then how will the relationship ever work? If the African American female does get a man, how will it work with her being trained to not need him? In the past few decades African American females have been the leaders of their households even if a man was present. Is it possible that the men in these situations may have been physical men but mental women? These similarities between the speech and African American reality make you wonder if Willie was a myth.
This leads us to the African American male. The manipulation of the African American male is beyond comprehension. Everything the African American male has tried – from picking cotton, working in factories, going to college; to selling drugs – has failed him. Why? The African American male was mentally neutered via the process outlined in Willie’s letter. Even if Willie didn’t exist, someone somewhere used the tactics against African Americans. Many African American males are raised to be dependent on women instead of being independent and a pillar for women. The effeminization of African American males has been documented by various psychologists over the years. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing talked about this in, The Isis Papers. Look at the clothing African American males are wearing. The tight jeans with fancy designs on the pocket; the shoes that look like Dorothy’s in The Wizard of Oz. The purses that some African American males carry and the pro athletes who wear dresses for photo shoots are all examples of Willie’s impact. The act of running to another country to find women, isn’t going to save you African American male. Get Willie out of your head.
African Americans, your relationship issues are due to the program that is running in your heads. Willie stated that this program would work for 300 – plus years. This is the only thing Willie may have been wrong about. With the way roles have become reversed in the African American community, his program may run forever. Look at the number of effeminate young African American males in the USA. Look at the number of masculine young African American females in the USA. Willie is still mentally dominating African American lives after 300 plus years. African Americans, kick Willie out of your bedrooms, and more importantly, your heads.
Frank James IV © 2024
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.