Christmas shopping officially began on November 24, 2023, the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as Black Friday. Gifts are now being purchased online and in malls across the USA. Children will be counting the gifts under Christmas trees. Many people will be in jewelry stores purchasing diamond rings for loved ones in hopes of future marriage. Many Christmas wishes will be fulfilled. Here are a few that hopefully will be granted to African Americans by Santa Claus or the Christmas Spirit.
One wish is that African Americans will overcome the animosity they exhibit towards one another. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if African Americans engaged with each other in a courteous manner? A calm, respectful interaction between African Americans when they see each other in public. I am not talking about a love; just a courteous interaction when African Americans walk past each other in the grocery store. A simple nod of the head with a courteous smile or look on the face when one African American sees another. This is a simple wish that could reap such benefit in the African American community.
Another wish is that African Americans will overcome mediocrity. African Americans have settled for mediocre in all aspects of life. The African American image is one that doesn’t push African Americans to be great. For example, the acceptance of the mediocre has allowed African Americans embrace a diet that creates obesity in both sexes. The rise of obesity in African Americans has lead to a plethora of health problems, physical and mental. If African Americans can overcome mediocrity many health issues that they face would disappear.
The gift of self sufficiency is another wish for African Americans. African Americans have always sought assistance from other races. African Americans are always looking to unite with other races in their struggle. African Americans need to become self-sufficient and understand that no one is going to help them. If African Americans became self-sufficient they would understand that they do not need other races to pontificate for them. African Americans would maximize their talents, economic means, and potential to stand alone. The sad part is that African Americans are alone in their struggles. The only difference is many of their resources are wasted helping other races or trying to unite with these races. Self-sufficiency in the African American community, mentally and physically, would enable future generations to thrive.
An additional wish is that African Americans will once again show pride in their culture and history. African Americans have allowed their culture to digress into one of buffoonery and ignorance. The version of pride that African Americans exhibit in 2023 is really self-hate. African Americans have to understand what has happened to them in the past in order not to repeat it. The minstrel image that permeated US culture in the early 1900’s of African American men is the norm in 2023. The racist, nappy-headed, goofy, depiction of African American males has become the norm for African American youth. The negative image of a cheap, plaything for men is being grasped by African American females. A study of history in the USA will alert African American youth to the exploitation that is being done to them. A knowledge of black history will instill pride in African Americans of all ages and end the de-evolvement of their culture and people.
These are a few wishes that if granted would lead to a productive 2024 for African Americans. I know Jordan shoes, hair weave, and other items would be more pleasing to many African Americans. In the long run where will these material gifts lead the race?
Frank James IV © 2023
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HT Group, LLC, its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper