Monday, December 17, 2018 marked the 11th annual “Voice of the Fatherless Child’s Single Parent Christmas,” which has been co-sponsored by Home Depot for the past 10 years. Home Depot employees and Voice of the Fatherless Child staff and family joined together to go into the homes of 10 families to decorate the home, put up and decorate a live tree, and pass out gifts to the families.
This year they were joined by Hupy and Abraham S.C. president Michael F. Hupy who helped hand out gifts to the Contreras family. Pictured are Jacqueline, age 18; Crystal, age 13; Lupita, age 5; Nicole, age 4; Juan, 14 months; Mr. and Mrs. Contreras; Michael F. Hupy; and Voice of the Fatherless Child founder Monte Mabra.