The Social Development Commission (SDC) has certified the candidates who will appear on the county-wide ballot for six Board Commission seats. Seven candidates will vie for six seats. The election is scheduled for Friday, April 12, 2013 at six locations through Milwaukee County. For detailed information about polling sites and certified candidates, visit the SDC website at www.crsdc. org.
SDC holds public elections every three years for six members of its 18 person Board of Commissioners. Other commissioners are appointed from six government entities in Milwaukee County and six non-profit entities. The six elected persons represent their constituents in the Board’s important work of formulating and implementing policy for SDC and its programs.
The certified candidates are:
• District One (which covers much of northern Milwaukee County) candidate Kristina McHenry;
• District Two (which contains much of the City of Milwaukee’s Northside) candidates Delta L. Triplett, Derek J. Williams, and Virgie Wynn;
• District Three (which includes the City of Milwaukee’s Westside and Near Northside) candidate Elizabeth Coppola;
• District Four (which covers the City of Milwaukee’s Eastside) candidates ViAnna J. Jordan; and
• District Five (which includes the City of Milwaukee’s Southside) candidate Alma Ramirez.
No candidates were certified for District Six which includes much of Milwaukee’s Bay View and far Southside neighborhoods as well as the County’s southern and southwestern suburban communities. All certified candidates were required to return nomination papers with the required 200 valid signatures by March 28, 2013.
Residents who submitted nomination papers but were not certified are George Matthews in District 2 and Shewaunee Bowers in District 3.
Voting for the SDC Board Elections will be held at a polling site in each of the six districts on April 12 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Voters must be Milwaukee County residents, live in the district in which they vote, be at least 18 years of age, and be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant. Voters will need to show at the polls identification like a driver’s license, a senior citizen ID or a Wisconsin identification card; plus proof of current residency in the district, such as a utility bill or rent receipt that lists their current address. Write-in candidates are accepted and will determine at least the Commissioner who will represent District Six.
Voting locations in each of the six SDC Districts are:
District 1
Silver Spring Neighborhood Center 5460 N. 64th Street Milwaukee, WI
District 2
Parklawn Assembly of God Church 3725 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI
District 3
Veterans Manor 3430 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI
District 4
Clinton Rose Center 3045 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Milwaukee, WI
District 5
SDC Energy Program – Chase Site 2701 S. Chase Ave. Milwaukee, WI
District 6
Alverno College Alum Hall (Use Main Entrance) 3400 S. 43rd St. Milwaukee, WI