Caught in a moment with her six lively nieces and nephews— her biggest inspiration—award-winning author Nia Obotette, a.k.a. “NiaTheAuthor,” is changing the face of children’s literature. Through her sports-focused stories, from hockey to triathlons, she’s showing kids they belong in every space, even the ones people never thought of looking for them in. “My goal is to empower kids to see themselves as limitless and to encourage adults to consider the possibilities they may have overlooked,” said Obotette. Her stories are reshaping narratives and opening doors for young minds to explore, dream, and achieve beyond boundaries. Pictured are Jeremiah Johns, Nehemiah Johns, Adila Winston, Nia Obotette (NiatheAuthor), Atalya Winston, Kayla Johns, and Micah Johns. For more on Nia’s books, visit her website at www.niatheauthor.com.