A Presidential visit for Milwaukee on this Labor Day! President Barack Obama flew into town on Air Force One — speaking at Maier Festival Park to a crowd of an estimated 6,000, as part of Milwaukee’s Laborfest celebration. President Obama used his speech to tell the story of his presidency — intertwining his personal history at Milwaukee’s Laborfest.
President Obama landed in Milwaukee just before 1:00 p.m. on Monday, September 1, 2014. He was greeted by Governor Scott Walker, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. The president also hugged U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore. He then made his way to Maier Festival Park — where he delivered his speech.
President Obama greeted the crowd with, “It’s great to be back in Milwaukee!”
President Obama rallied the crowd — talking up improvements in the nation’s economy — saying “America is stronger.” He highlighted a rebound in the U.S. auto industry, clean energy production and their impact on jobs. The president said there are “a lot of reasons to be optimistic about America.”
President Obama spelled out the choice between his version of “bottom up” economics, versus “trickle down” economics. He said his path, which included a stimulus package, the bailout of the American auto industry and the passage of the Affordable Care Act helped the nation to recover from the recession.
“By almost every measure, the American economy and American workers are better off than when I took office,” President Obama said.
President Obama said unions still play a vital role in protecting the nation’s workers.
President Obama told thousands of union workers the labor movement is responsible for protecting workers’ rights.
“I want an economy where your hard work pays off with higher wages, and higher incomes, and fair pay for women and workplace flexibility for parents, and affordable health insurance and decent retirement benefits. I’m not asking for the moon. I just want a good deal for American workers,” President Obama said.
President Obama then returned to his original theme from the 2008 election: hope and change.
With just two years remaining in his presidency, he asked the union crowd to put their faith in America’s people — not its politicians.
President Obama stressed a point he made during his last visit to Wisconsin — that Congress should raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour — something that has been an issue in the campaign for governor of Wisconsin.
President Obama added that if Republicans gain control of Congress after November’s elections, they will hurt the chances for a higher federal minimum wage.