The women of Greater Galilee Baptist Church, 2432 N. Teutonia Ave., were forced to hold their Women’s Month teachings in the basement due to construction work in the sanctuary, so they did not advertise. Despite the lack of publicity, an average of more than 100 women attended three consecutive Wednesday night Bible Study lessons. The closing service on September 27, 2015 drew more than 350 to hear keynote speaker Greater New Birth Church Minister Denise Pitchford delivered a message on “Preparing Godly Women for Battle.” For the second year in a row the women chose the color pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but this year they also created camouflage t-shirts with “Preparing Godly Women for Battle” written in pink in order to reflect the theme “Bible Boot Camp.” Originally intended just for the organizers, the women eventually sold 80 t-shirts, many of which were worn throughout the month of teaching. Rev. Johnny C. White is pastor.