On Saturday, December 15, 2018, the Milwaukee North Sunrise Rotary Club held its first annual Christmas with Dignity Service Project at St. Ann Center-Bucyrus Campus, 2450 W. North Ave.
The program was designed as a social enterprise and community development project that gives deeply discounted prices on brand-name toys, clothing and books, making purchases affordable for lower income families. For $20 a family could select, purchase and wrap more than $150 in toys and gifts to take home and put under the tree.
“We raised $3,000 to make this giving event possible with the intent to bring dignity to the families by offering a hand up instead of a hand out, a process that allows everyone involved to keep giving,” said Milwaukee North Sunrise Rotary Club President Diane Beckley.
For more information on the organization please visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/milwaukeenorthsunriserotary.