I have attended a lot of meetings, summits, updates, briefings, causes, award ceremonies and the like over the past two years. Most of them in their own right are wonderful events to attend, well organized and serve a unique purpose in our modern society. For those who are fortunate to be a part of these activities, to be in the loop or run in those circles, these kinds of events are just a normal part of doing business or an expectation of one’s job. It could be how you move up in life, shaking hands, rubbing elbows and to be seen by those who are the “wheelers and dealers” in the city and beyond. It is perhaps how one builds their resume, portfolio, exchanges business cards, builds a reputation and gets your name out
there. The motto for such actions could be… “It’s who you know and who knows you.” From my observations, here are a few take-aways of ideas that I have learned from going to these events and perhaps I am not alone. First of all, there seems to be an endless number of topics, issues and causes of interest. Those include crime prevention, rehabbing houses, improving health care, support for seniors, foster care, education, jobs and employment opportunities and poverty
to just name a few. Secondly, there are a countless number of organizations, agencies, community groups, civic officials and even governmental departments vying for support from the public as to what they have to say about what they are doing. Thirdly, it seems that these events only appeal or cater to a particular segment of the general population. It is also clear that for the most part many people in the city don’t know about what is going on or even care. Lastly, I am struck
by the number of ideas, suggestions, and findings from research and of course the many, many, many….“great and glowing speeches” about what’s happening. What seems to be absent from many of these noteworthy events are workable
solutions, creative plans, next steps, levels of engagement and the resources available to address the modern challenges. Don’t get me wrong, I like eating as many cooked versions of chicken, salads, rolls, dressing and desserts as the next attendee. But it would all taste a little bit better if the presentations included a roadmap, best practices, building blocks, benchmarks and some outcomes. Most of us don’t mind attending these events and hearing wonderful speeches. Most of us are fully aware of the problems that need to be addressed in our community… “We all are just waiting for a lesson plan on how to deal with them more effectively .” By the way, could you pass the dressing, it’s my favorite. What do you think?
Dr. Andrew Calhoun, can be contacted at andrewiiicalhoun@gmail.com, Twitter #AC53, or call 414-571-5015. You can hear Dr. Calhoun each Sunday at Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee.