On Saturday, May 21, 2022, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) along with Congresswoman Gwen Moore and others came to Milwaukee for a brunch to support Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes in his bid to unseat U.S. Senator Ron Johnson. The “American Dream: Join Us for Brunch with Senator Elizabeth Warren and Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes” was held at Anodyne Coffee in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point. Senator Warren swooped into Milwaukee to urge the Democratic supporters in attendance to vote for Lt. Gov. Barnes to push him through the Aug. 9 primary and on to a fall showdown with Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.
“We just need a progressive fighter like Mandela,” Warren told more than 100 supporters packed into Anodyne Coffee. She also made a plea for Barnes’ supporters to open their wallets as he faces several rivals who have poured millions into their campaigns. Warren said Barnes “is not a billionaire, and cannot just write a check to fund an idea.” With two and a half months to go before the primary, the Barnes campaign has kicked into high gear.