The five rallies in support of ballot drop boxes are taking place in Milwaukee, Green Bay, Madison, Wausau and Eau Claire
The Wisconsin Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments Monday, May 13, 2024 regarding a case that revisits the 2022 decision to ban ballot drop boxes. As the justices listen in court, rallies are mobilizing around the state in support of the boxes.
In all, five rallies are happening across Wisconsin, in Milwaukee, Green Bay, Madison, Wausau and Eau Claire. Those attending want the Supreme Court to reinstate ballot drop boxes as an option for voters.
On July 8, 2022, the state’s high court, in a 4-to-3 ruling, banned Wisconsin voters from using ballot drop boxes in the state. It was a win for Republicans, who challenged the use after the 2020 election and immense criticism from former President Donald Trump.
In 2020, Milwaukee had 15 secure boxes across the city, many located at libraries like the Center Street Library, where Monday’s Milwaukee rally was held. The boxes were a place where voters could drop absentee ballots, and each one was monitored by a video camera.
The voting rights advocates demonstrating Monday at rallies say working Wisconsinites should be able to vote easily and safely. They go on to say that making it harder to vote is out of touch with Wisconsin values.
“Our democracy is strong when all voters can cast their ballots,” said the Rev. Mose Fuller, of Souls to the Polls. “Ballot drop boxes provide a safe and secure option for our hardworking neighbors to participate in the democratic process. Whether you are a single parent who can’t make it to the polls in person, a hard-working health care worker who is working long hours and can’t make it to the polls, you should be able to drop your ballot.”
Attorneys for the Republican National Committee and Wisconsin Republican Party say changing the ruling now would unleash a new wave of legal challenges.
Supporters of the boxes feel their removal is just a tactic to make it harder for Wisconsinites to vote.
“Our democracy is so much stronger when all voters, like I say, they can cast their ballots,” said Mandela Barnes of Power to the Polls. “Those drop boxes provide a safe and secure option for hardworking people to be able to participate in the democratic process.”
Only oral arguments are happening in this case on Monday. No decision will be made by the justices that day, but a decision can be expected before the November 2024 election.
If the State Supreme Court does decide to reinstate ballot drop boxes, many of them in Milwaukee will be ready to go. Most are still in place in front of municipal buildings and other locations, only locked up and covered with a tarp since the ruling in 2022.