Four poised and talented high school girls completed for the crown of Miss Juneteenth 2015 on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at the Wisconsin African American Women’s Center. Each contestant was judged on her personality, talent, evening wear, essays and interviewing questions. Hanette Kamanda (far right), a 16- year- old Rufus King High School student was crowned Miss Juneteenth 2015. The court was anchored by 1st runner-up Mariah Edwards, 2nd runner-up Mumina Ahmed, and 3rd runnerup Dortha Givahan. Each student was presented a bouquet of red roses and a college scholarship. Congratulations to all the contestants and their families. The pagent was sponsored by Northcott Neighborhood House, Inc. and kick-off celebration for Juneteenth is Friday, June 19, 2015.