Northcott Neighborhood House (NNH), Bader Philanthropies, Inc., and other partners hosted the third annual “Trunk or Treat…It’s About the Children and Community” event on Sunday, October 29, 2023 on W. Wright Street from N. 7th Street to Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., Drive.

The Northcott Neighborhood House Senior Club members pre-packed more than 1,000 totes with candy and goody bags and Northcott provided activities like pony rides, a video game truck, bouncy houses, hayrides, food, music, a haunted house, a scary orchard, and cookie and pumpkin decorating stations for children.

Northcott Neighborhood House and all partners are committed to keeping our children and community safe. This year’s partners were Bader Philanthropies, Inc., WestCare, Collier’s Training Institute, Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee Fire Department, City of Milwaukee Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Milwaukee County Supervisor Priscilla E. Coggs-Jones, Pretty Girls R Educated, and the City of Milwaukee. All partners are invested in our children and community, and they worked together to make this a fantastic experience for everyone.