On Saturday, May 25, 2019, Cross Lutheran Church hosted the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship 2019 All-A-Thon, which started at Cross Lutheran Church, 1821 N. 16 Street. An All-A-Thon lets participants walk, run, bike, skate or participate however they would like to raise money.
This particular event helped raise money for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship, which helps college students and college-bound high school seniors, who each receive $1,100. The scholarship will be given out at the 44th annual Martin Luther King Scholarship Coalition Celebration in January. The All-A-Thon is the key fundraising event for the scholarship. The MLK Scholarship Coalition was formed by three Milwaukee-area pastors in 1975, as a way to keep alive the prophetic legacy of Dr. King and to encourage young people to complete high school and move on to post-high school education.