The Atkinson, Capitol, Teutonia (ACT) Business Improvement District #29 hosted its 5th annual free 2014 neighborhood celebration on the triangle at Capitol Dr. and Atkinson Ave. on Saturday, July 19 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, and Alderman Willie C. Wade were in attendance to meet neighbors and business owners as they enjoyed a day of community and fun. “The ACT Festival has become a great annual tradition for the businesses and partners in BID 29, but it is also a celebration that neighbors and residents look forward to and thoroughly enjoyed,” Alderman Hamilton said. The ACT BID highlighted area businesses and organizations, and provided food and entertainment, including live music. A health fair was also a part of this year’s ACT Festival. The festival is held in honor of the late Will Perkins Jr.(inset), who owned Mr. Perkins’ Family Restaurant, 2001 W. Atkinson Ave.