Three in ten Americans report making at least one resolution over the past year with half of the group making more than one, according to a Pew Research Center survey. However, after a few weeks into the new year, it’s very likely that you may break a resolution, or two. That’s because that same survey states that about six in ten adults who made at least one resolution (59 percent) say they kept all of them, while 28 percent say they have kept some of them. Another 13 percent say they have kept none of them.
Even though most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the first week of February, the good thing to know is that this process can change.
By making simple changes in your mindset and the way you set your goals for the New Year, you can maintain resolutions and see a change that will last the entire year or longer.
Many people have an idea in their minds about what they would like to change over the next year but oftentimes, this idea is too generic and lacks enough detail to be executed thoroughly.
Take for example, the common goal of losing weight. Just stating that you want to lose weight is not enough.
Even stating the amount of weight you want to lose is not enough. You have to get detailed and plan out how you’re actually going to lose the weight.
Pinpoint what triggers your weight gain and work to demolish those areas. If food is a large factor, decide which foods you need to eat less to lose weight.
If you need to work out more, write out exactly how many times a week you’re going to work out and decide which exercises you will do during that time. Making a detailed plan decreases confusion when it’s time to get to work and motivates you to get started on improving yourself.
Having someone check up on your progress keeps you on track to achieving your goals.
Knowing that a friend will call weekly to see how you’re doing will help motivate you to stick to your goals.
Get a buddy to hold you accountable who is dedicated to seeing you grow and truly wants to help you during your process but be open to nosiness.
Be open and flexible to any changes that need to be made to your resolutions. You may get a new job that requires more of your time, but you really want to stick to your goals.
Be flexible enough to change the plan you made at the beginning of the year to fit your new circumstances.
Do not become frustrated and give up but adapt to new ways of reaching your goals.
You may become weary but keep working hard. Sometimes change requires the most consistent work so remember to keep working hard on the change you want to see in your life. Making these small changes to your New Year’s resolutions can be the difference between this year and last year. Remember to stay focused and keep working hard.