To mark Earth Day on April 22, 2022, the U.S. Department of Education announced a list of 27 schools across the country to receive recognition for efforts at reducing environmental impact and improving the health of schools. Of the five Wisconsin schools to be honored, two schools are part of Milwaukee Public Schools:
A. E. Burdick and Golda Meir. Congratulations to these school communities! A. E. Burdick School and Golda Meir School both worked with ReFlo, a nonprofit organization, to implement schoolyard redevelopment projects. These projects removed more than 36,000 square feet of impervious surface and added features to reduce stormwater runoff such as porous engineered wood chip surfacing, stormwater trees, native landscaping, bioswales, and above-ground and underground cisterns. Students at Golda Meir also designed and created three different apps to educate the community about the playground and sustainability, recycling, and to support students dealing with emotional trauma.
“This is an incredible honor not just for Golda Meir and Burdick, but for Milwaukee Public Schools,” said Superintendent Dr. Keith P. Posley. “The work of our students is a shining example of how we are combining education and sustainability to help improve our environment. We are also grateful for our school staff and partners who continue to support our young people in this critical work for our community.”
Earth Day is native to Wisconsin. The now-annual event began in 1970 and was proposed by former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson after growing concerns about pollution, oil spills, and declines in wildlife populations. Nelson wanted a special observance dedicated to environmental awareness and a day for all Americans to take action to clean up our planet. Earth Day is now observed in more than 190 countries across the globe. For more information, visit
Congratulations to our Green Ribbon Schools!