Students started school Tuesday, September 1, 2020, for MPS schools on the traditional calendar. All students will begin virtual learning to start the semester safely from home.
Families and students should check for communications from their schools to be sure they are ready for the first day of class. Each child’s teacher or school is the best source of information about the new school year. Because the needs of students differ by age, grade level, coursework, special needs, and other factors, many adaptations are being made to offer the best possible experiences for all students including Head Start, elementary and middle school, AP and IB classes, college and career, and more.
Checklist for a Successful Start
• Contact your school to pick up a Chromebook
• Charge your Chromebook and test your Internet connection
• Pick up basic school supplies: pens, pencils, notebooks, paper
• Find a quiet, comfortable place to work
• Look for schedules provided by your school; be ready to log in for online learning
View all school calendars on the Student Days Off web page. Families who have questions about start dates should contact their child’s school.
Enrollment is still open! Visit to learn more, contact an MPS school, or call (414) 267-5100.