At its January 25, 2022, Meeting of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors considered a process and timeline for development of the Milwaukee Public Schools Reapportionment/ Redistricting Plan. As a part of the process, the Board was presented with two (2) potential maps for consideration.
The proposed plans can be found on the MPS Office of Board Governance website using the following web address:
A public hearing on the proposed MPS Reapportionment/ Redistricting Plan is scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The Board of School Directors will continue to hold its committee meetings virtually, however, members of the Board may join the meeting from the Central Services building.
Public testimony will be taken live during the meeting. Those who wish to speak must register in advance of the meeting to receive a participation code to enter the platform. The deadline to register is 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 22, 2022. The ways to register to speak are as follows:
1. To register to participate by dial-in, call 414-475-8200 and follow the instructions.
2. To register to participate virtually, visit the Boardcast page on the MPS website to send an email request
In addition, written public testimonies can be submitted to the Office of Board Governance, Room 273 Telephone: (414) 475-8284 and email:
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors is scheduled to consider and possibly take action on the MPS Reapportionment/ Redistricting Plan at the Thursday, February 24, 2022 at its Regular Board Meeting. No public testimony will be taken at this meeting. This meeting will be broadcast on WYMS radio— 88.9 FM, or on Time-Warner/Spectrum Channel 13, and via livestream or the MPS YouTube Stream at: