It’s Christmas season in the good ole USA. Black Friday shopping deals will last up until Christmas Day. It’s time for people to spend money on gifts and alcohol to make the season special. Best Buy and Walmart have loaded the shelves with 70-plus inch televisions for purchase. Macy’s and other stores have the clothes ready to go out the door on charge accounts payable in 2022. African American are holding their own Black Friday sales event. All races line up to get these exclusive items that African Americans have hoarded for over 200 years.
The first precious item African Americans are selling, you envious races of the world, is their market share on Stockholm syndrome. For 200 years African Americans have enjoyed the pleasure of having Stockholm syndrome. No more excited shoppers. African Americans are now selling their market share of Stockholm syndrome for 99 percent off. Yes, Chinese, Latino and other races, you can purchase African American Stockholm syndrome for little of nothing. Just think you lucky buyers, your people can be hopelessly in love with whatever race oppresses you. Look at the benefits for your people. Your men will identify totally with the races of men who mentally neutered them. Your women will be sex toys and maybe even wives of the races that raped them. The benefit you lucky races is to have biracial children that connect you with your oppressor. African Americans are offering this exciting deal on “pick up now, pay later” options.
Now that we have you other races’ attention, let’s really get this sale going. African Americans are selling the hip hop music industry and all it entails. That’s right you lucky races. Now your race can insert their names in hip hop songs wherever you hear derogatory terms. Your women can become the lust driven women who perform any sexual act for money. Your men can showcase their tattoos and underwear while holding large sums of money to their ear. Think, your race can be the only race to have a billion dollar industry that talks about killing and exploiting each other. African Americans have long held onto the lion’s share of the hip hop industry. No more, it’s for sale at a huge discount price. African Americans want to build relationships with new buyers. With this in mind, personal checks are accepted without an ID check.
How many times, other races, have your women been envious of African American females wearing the beautiful weave and wigs? No more. The weave and wig industry is on the sales block. Think about how much grey or blue weave or wigs will enhance your female’s beauty. Other races, your women can walk around with over large heads that look like Elvira or the monster from Alien. Your teen age females can wear grey hair while the older women wear red or even green. As a special bonus African Americans will even throw in over-sized eyelashes. That’s right, other races. Now your women can look like street walkers and cross-dressers from the 70’s. Other races think of the positive mental effect this look will have on your younger females. African Americans take all cash apps and Apple Pay. African Americans have something for you other races men. The mental and physical ability to roll over and expose their neck
s and buttocks to Caucasians men. This is a priceless gift because it makes getting along with Caucasians males easier. Included in this deal is the drive to ensure Caucasian males stay on top of the food chain by working, fighting, loving and dying for their causes. Other races, another benefit is your men will only see sports, street life, and hip hop music as a means to be successful. Your race will never be burdened with controlling any industry. This is a specialty item, so cash only.
Come on down you other races and purchase these Black Friday specials. Get there early, because African Americans may give away door prizes.
Frank James IV © 2021
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or HTGroup, LLC , its staff or management. “Being Frank” is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.