The Nei Phi Neph mentoring program participants were out on Friday, August 1, 2014 at W. Capitol Drive and N. 60th Street, rehearsing on their drums before their appearance in the Bud Biliken Parade in Chicago this weekend. Participants range in age between five and 22 years old. Their base of operation is the Mary Ryan Boys and Girls Club. The program’s founder is Anthony Hibbler who was a Milwaukee Police Officer for two and one-half years. He said the program has been around since 2002. Money for the group is raised by band members playing their drums on various street corners while one of the members darts among moving cars hoisting a container while motorists place their donations in. Another individual carried a crude brown cardboard sign, which read: “Honk Your Horn to the BEAT!” The program stresses fine arts and community service. Anyone desiring to make contributions to this program, which keeps our young people off these mean streets, can reach Anthony Hibbler at the Mary Ryan Boys and Girls Club.