Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II invited Milwaukee residents to attend the “Arms Around Us” Community Call to Action and Resource Fair on Saturday, September 6, 2014 at the Fitzsimmonds Boys and Girls Club, 3400 W. North Avenue. Residents from the Metcalfe Park, Amani and Sherman Park neighborhoods, gathered along with Milwaukee Police officers and several elected officials to participate in the Building Neighborhood Capacity Program, a federal initiative to promote healthy neighborhoods. Participants wore Arms around Us t-shirts and colored wristbands while others wore white t-shirts with black, green and red letters that read, “I am Amani United and Proud.” The group marched from the Fitzsimmonds Boys and Girls Club west on North Ave., to N. 35th Street. Ald. Russell Stamper, II wearing a bright orange t-shirt, with a bullhorn in hand, led 150 or more people shouting: “We stand together. We walk together. This is our community. Let’s take it back.” After the march, participants settled back eating hot dogs, hamburgers and face painting.