Electronic devices only have approximately
three months before facing obsolescence
Every owner of a PC or electronic device faces the same question when picking out new parts.
When going into a store to get a device the question always is whether I should buy Product X or Y or wait for Product Z three months from now. That’s because here’s always a faster
graphics card around the corner, a solid state drive on the
horizon with more capacity, or a new CPU architecture on the verge of being announced.
No matter how long you play the waiting game, it’s impossible to stay ahead of the curve for any real length of time. The same is true for consumer electronics, though could you have guessed that three months is the average life cycle of a mobile device?
Fierce competition means consumers are constantly being inundated with newer products, which is problematic for vendors who risk getting stuck with old inventory that they just bought. To prevent that from happening, vendors have turned to short-term orders so that they can resupply with the
next greatest thing within a few days and clear out their old product.
The way products are sold is changing, too. For example, within the last few months, every major wireless carrier in the U.S. has implemented a frequent upgrade program that allows customers to trade-up their smartphone for a newer model at least once a year.