The African American Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin held its annual Women in Business luncheon on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at Milwaukee Yacht Club, 1700 North Lincoln Memorial Dr. The luncheon spotlighted entrepreneur ReDonna Rodgers of the Center for Teaching Entrepreneurship. Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch greeted the audience with the announcement Wisconsin is open for business, especially to inspiring women entrepreneurs. A featured panelist of local women’s leaders shared information about education, social issues and personal life testimonies. Pictured (above left, back row) are African American Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Dr. Eve Hall; (seated) YWCA Southeast Wisconsin president and CEO Paula Penebaker; University Wisconsin-Milwaukee Vice Chancellor Dr. Joan Prince; Milwaukee Area Technical College President Dr. Vicki Martin; Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Darienne Driver; (right photo, from left) WI State Senator Nikiya Harris Dodd; Milwaukee Times publisher Lynda Conyers; Black Women 50+ Magazine publisher Linda Jackson Cocroft, and Milwaukee Urban League president and CEO Ralph Hollmon.