Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs invited residents to a night of politically-charged poetry from some of Milwaukee’s best spoken word artists and politicians of all ages, on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 in the City Hall rotunda. Hosted by Kwabena Antoine Nixon (IKAN) and sponsored by Alderwoman Coggs, the NAACP Young Adult Committee Milwaukee Branch, the League of Young Voters and the Sojourner Family Peace Center, Politics & Poetry II was intended to encourage civic engagement and participation in the April 2 Spring Election. Contributors to the event included Cuppie Cakes, Keefe Ave. Mobil, MacPyles Corporation and West Care Harambee Community Center. Politics & Poetry II was dedicated to the memory of Anita Brooks, who was affectionately known in the poetry community as Anita Bee. She was the first poet to ever perform at a Politics & Poetry event. Donations were accepted that night for the Anita Brooks Memorial Fund, and can also be made at Educators Credit Union. Alderman Willie C. Wade and Alderman José G. Pérez were among those sharing some poetic words at the event.