Alverno College’s annual Bestowing of the Kente is one of the oldest ceremonies of its kind in Wisconsin. The rite of passage recognizes Black students who are graduating seniors, earning a master’s degree, or completing a certification program. Each honoree is presented with a Kente cloth – a hand-woven ceremonial stole featuring bright colors that honor West African heritage. During the ceremony, the students honor and thank the loved ones who have supported them on their educational journeys. The ceremony is a way for Black students and their families to celebrate their heritage as well as their achievement, and included African drumming during the processional. For more than 25 years, Alverno has been holding a Bestowing of the Kente ceremony, and more than 825 people have taken part in the ceremony since its inception.
Those honored at the event this year are (front row, from left) Meliciya Harris, Jennifer Cooper, Raquel Hardrick, Markeita Jones, Jill Wallace, Trina Gandy, (back row, from leftt) Dr. Ava Coleman, Dr. Clarissa Lawrene, Antoine Carter, Donna Lewis, Kara Manning, Ronneisha Thomas, and Latasha Wilson.