Celebrating Carnell and Sabrina Grant of Milwaukee
Women are disproportionately impacted by Alzheimer’s and dementia, with nearly two-thirds (4.1 million) of American’s living with Alzheimer’s being women. This Mother’s Day we honor all mothers who are on this difficult journey, and the caregivers who support them. For Sabrina Grant Mother’s Day is a special time to honor her mother, Carnell, who has been living with Alzheimer’s for 17 years. Sabrina, a retired elementary school teacher, is the primary caregiver for her mother and provides 24-hour care. This is a familiar scenario, as more than one-third of dementia caregivers are daughters.
An empowering role model
“My mom is the greatest,” Sabrina said. “She raised nine children and three grandchildren. She always took such good care of us. I’m happy to take care of her. She was always giving back and was a great role model. She came to all our activities and volunteered at the elementary school for years. The kids called her the “Easter Egg Lady” because she always brought eggs at Easter. That was just her nature to bring joy. She also ran a cleaning business for 35 years and was active in giving back to the community through the Boys and Girls Club and the Elks Club. My parents also had great style and were members of the Cosmopolitan Club. I remember them getting all dressed up for great balls.”
The caregiver journey
“My mom, turning 95 in July, has progressed through some difficult stages,” Sabrina said. “She still lives in her home, but I’m either with her, or bring her to my house. I have two sisters who help out a few days a week and sometimes our babysitter helps as well.” Sabrina has been able to take advantage of the Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support Program (AFCSP) to assist her with respite care. The program, administered by the Alzheimer’s Association Wisconsin Chapter, assists Milwaukee County family caregivers who are helping their loved ones with Alzheimer’s or dementia live safely in their own home.
“One piece of advice I have for other caregivers is to always try to do things your loved one enjoys or used to enjoy in their prime,” Sabrina said. “My mom loves bingo and Uno, and I try to engage her in social activities like that. We also listen to music, try to exercise to keep her active and engaged and sometimes go out to eat. This Mother’s Day we’ll probably take mom out for a nice dinner to her favorite place, Red Lobster.”
On Mother’s Day as we celebrate mothers, aunts, sisters and grandmothers, and all the brave women who are on this journey, we are reminded of the importance of education and early diagnosis for those most significantly impacted.
The Alzheimer’s Association Wisconsin Chapter provides free education programs and support groups, and connects families to resources in their local community. They also offer a 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 and online information at www.alz.org to support caregivers’ day or night.