Cleo Walls said yes to Milwaukee and then set about helping make it “a Great Place by a Great Lake.” For the past 34 years, she has worked a minimum of four hours per week at the Milwaukee Women’s Center shelter. She is also a member of the Roosevelt Walls Scholarship Committee and a motivational presenter for the Women on the Mission ministry.
In addition to community service, Walls has also achieved educational honors and recognition in two professional careers: one as a biology and chemistry teacher, the other as a chemical lab technologist with the Lesaffre Corporation. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Arkansas AM&N College (now known as the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff). During her teaching career, she was the recipient of three National Science Foundation stipends: Biology at Earlham College, Microbiology at the University of Rhode Island and Molecular Biology at Valparaiso University.
She is a devoted member of Victory Missionary Baptist Church in Milwaukee and an active member of the Usher Board Ministry. Previously she was a recipient of the Community Services Award for outstanding community service on behalf of the Wisconsin General Baptist Convention Women’s Auxiliary as well as many other awards too numerous to list in this publication.