The City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) will hold free immunization clinics Saturday, Oct. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the MHD Keenan Health Center (3200 N. 36th St.) and Southside Health Center (1639 S. 23rd St.) to provide school-required immunizations to children who are uninsured, whose insurance doesn’t cover immunizations, or children who have public health insurance such as BadgerCare Plus or Medicaid.
“Compliance rates within Milwaukee schools have steadily been improving to an all-time high thanks to the coordinated efforts of the City of Milwaukee Health Department, Milwaukee Public Schools, private schools, health care providers and the newly formed Immunize Milwaukee coalition,” said Mayor Tom Barrett. “But we are still not yet at the public health goal of 95 percent of students receiving their required vaccinations. This will require a sustained effort to achieve.”
Weekday walk-in clinics are also held at all three MHD health center locations daily.
“Immunizations protect children from catching serious and even life-threatening diseases and spreading them to others,” said Commissioner of Health Bevan K. Baker. “We urge all parents to get their children school-required vaccinations to help their children and all area children stay healthy throughout the school year.”
Wisconsin Law requires that children be immunized against a range of illnesses such as mumps, measles, and pertussis in order to attend school and child care settings. These special clinics are offered to assist parents in complying with state law to avoid children being excluded from school.
The MHD cannot provide immunizations to children or adults with private insurance. Those with private insurance must contact a health care provider for all immunization services. For more information, visit