28 projects expected to create more than 1,300 affordable housing units statewide
On Monday May 2, 2016 Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor
Rebecca Kleefisch announced the awarding of more
than $14 million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
(LIHTC) to fund affordable housing developments
across Wisconsin. The tax credits, which are distributed
by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development
Authority (WHEDA), will move forward 28 developments
that will create 1,307 units of affordable rental
housing. Lt. Gov. Kleefisch made the announcement
Monday morning at the Milwaukee Urban League, next
door to the Historic Garfield Redevelopment Phase 1
which was one of the projects awarded tax credits. Pictured
at the announcement are (from left) Milwaukee
Alderwoman Milele Coggs; City of Milwaukee Commissioner
of City Development Rocky Marcoux ; Lt.
Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch; Maures Development Group
founder and president Melissa Goins; WHEDA executive
director Wyman B. Winston, and State Senator Lena