The Counseling Corner
By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th
This month, this column has served as a recap of a Mother’s Board Luncheon sponsored by the Progressive Baptist Church, Milwaukee, the Rev. Walter J. Lanier, Pastor. Progressive placed a focus on a much-needed solutions for a problem plaguing many churches, and that is bridging the generational gap. In this series conclusion, additional tips will be offered to help churches close the generational gap. The ideas are partially extracted from an article “10 Ways to Bridge the Generational Gap” by Linson Daniel. Daniel’s article’s purpose was to address the problem in the South Asian church when it came to bridging the generational gap. Daniel’s advice crosses cultural barriers, and thus this writer is sharing these tips with you:
1. Create space for second generation leadership. The church should create space for mature, godly young people to serve as committee members, decision makers, etc. This will create a diverse leadership team that addresses the needs of everyone.
2. Create inter-generational ministry teams. There are many teams in a church: worship, hospitality, Sunday School, etc. Churches should make these teams intentionally inter-generational. Ministry teams are stronger when both groups are working together to advance the kingdom of God!
3. Employ strategies to reach the “de-churched.” Many people have given up on the “church” because of hurt or that the “church” did not meet their felt needs. Be intentional creating strategies to get these “de-churched” back to church.
4. Cultivate a traditional-progressive culture. Tradition and progress are two important values. If either one goes too far, it will ruin the intricate balance at your church. Both values must co-exist and keep the other in tension.
5. Focus on evangelism and social justice. Most people want to make a difference in the world. They want to serve the needs of the poor, hurt and marginalized. Coupling social justice with evangelism allow church members to share their faith in Jesus while ministering to the practical needs of people.
Beloved, Daniel notes in his article if church leaders do not address the issue of integrating and bridging the generational gap, the gap will widen with time. The widening gap will discourage young people and drive them away from your church. But, Daniel posits, if church leaders take the steps toward closing the gap, then the church will become truly inter-generational! I’m down for that! Are you?
The writer does not assume responsibility in any way for readers’ efforts to apply or utilize information or recommendations made in this article, as they may not be necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. This information is for educational purposes only. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.