Greater Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church Deacon
board Chairman Al Brown, along with the entire congregation,
hosted their first annual Valentine Gala on Saturday, February
14, 2014 at the Wisconsin African American Women’s Center,
3020 W. Vliet Street. More than 200 people braved the frigid
bone chilling weather to enjoy an evening of elegant dining,
dancing and a great atmosphere of laughter and friendship.
Many of the attendees were dressed in red, which symbolizes
love on Valentine’s Day. Men wore black suits accessorized
with red shirts and a black tie. All the women attending
were presented with a long stem red or yellow rose and pink
gift bags were distributed during a raffle. The ladies’ attire
was an assortment of colors: burgundy, red and black, and
maroon. And like at most events, the women outnumbered
the men. However, that didn’t prevent anyone from dancing
to Blurred Lines and oldies but goodies played by a DJ. Deacon
Brown said the goals set for the event were met and he was
looking forward to having the Valentine Gala again next
year. Proceeds from the event will aid the Outreach Ministry
of Greater Spring Hill. Rev. Danny Washington is pastor of
Greater Spring Hill Baptist Church, located at 3801 N. 20th