Mrs. Harriet Dorsey celebrated her 107th birthday with family and friends Thursday, April 11, 2013, at the Clinton Rose Senior Center. Born in Douglas, Georgia, she moved to the city of Atlanta and later to Cincinnati, Ohio, where she and her husband raised three of their children. Some years later, Mr. Dorsey travelled to Milwaukee where he was hired by the Allis Chalmers Company in the mid-1940s. Later, Mr. Dorsey would send for Mrs. Dorsey and the children. Arriving in Milwaukee, Mrs. Dorsey would soon be hired by Columbia Hospital, which she later quit to raise five boys and one girl who ranged in age from four to eight, who parents had passed. Today, Mrs. Dorsey suffers from Alzheimer’s and is being cared for by Stevie, a grandson she cared for. Stevie is her caretaker and he recalled walking to church from his grandparents’ home and how Mrs. Dorsey “honored the Lord,” in caring for him, his brothers and sister. “I recalled my childhood years were like a “a beautiful movie,” he said fondly as he explained how he cares for his grandmother for whom he cook, bathes and dresses. “I care for her like she cared for me,” he said proudly. Mrs. Dorsey doesn’t get around much these days, but she still enjoys spirituals and gospel music, Stevie says. He later explained that Mrs. Dorsey “enjoys the same quality of life she provided to him, his brothers and sister because he understands very well the sacrifice his grandparents made for them. Stevie concluded, saying: “I would like to provide for her my very best, just as she did for us.”