Church Women United members (Milwaukee Unit) held their April General Meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 2207 N.2nd Street. A Life Member Recognition Program was also held to recognize numerous life members who were present and received certificates. One core mission of Church Women United is: “Church Women United is a covenantal community that blends as ONE BODY and ONE SPIRIT, women of many Christian denominations, communions and coalitions. We celebrate the diversity that enriches us as a MOVEMENT. We rejoice in our ONENESS in Christ, which transcends differences and empower us through worship, study and action to work together for a society of peace and justice. ” Rev. Louis E. Sibley, III gave the invocation and blessed the gathering. Sis Barbara Wyatt Sibley read the church history. Sister Lillian Johnson and Sister Shirley Anderson were award presenters and remarks were made by Lois Olsen and Sister Dorcas Denton. Evangelist Christine Mitchell gave the closing prayer. After their business meeting, the group retired to the church dining hall for lunch.