Earth Day and the month of April are commemorated across the world as a time to celebrate our planet and focus on action to protect it. During this month I often remember the poem “Keeping Quiet” by Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda, which urged the world “to count to twelve and all keep still, for once on the face of the earth.”: “It would be an exotic moment without rush, … [Read more...] about Breaking Earth’s stillness
Climate Justice
Milwaukee Board of School Directors considers climate justice resolution
At the meeting of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors on July 28, 2022, the full board discussed a resolution proposing action on climate justice and economic equity. Resolution 2223R- 007 identifies a number of steps to be taken, including joining the Milwaukee City-County Task Force on Climate and Equity. The resolution can be found on the July 28 Board meeting agenda as … [Read more...] about Milwaukee Board of School Directors considers climate justice resolution