By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th
“Honor your father and mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”
– Exodus 20:12
God gives us mother as a gift and God commands that we revere them just as we are careful to obey all of God’s commandments. Along with reverence, we are to honor mothers. Regardless of how old you are, whether you live near or far from your mother; your mother always deserves your honor. In concluding this series on the Celebration of Motherhood, may your heart be made glad as you read the final submissions from two proud mamas:
Motherhood has been an awesome experience and an opportunity to teach, learn, instill and empower. It is and will always be a huge responsibility that should never be taken for granted. We were put on this earth to teach our offspring about our life experiences, how to make the right choices when choosing the correct path in life and what it takes to be a good citizen. I do this willingly and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being a mother. I have 2 young adults and a teenager. They keep me busy and engaged in their lives for which I am thankful. I value their insights on the world today. Although we cannot rest on our laurels, we do need to allow our children to take all that they have learned, everything that has been instilled in them and let them fly. They always return to the nest which allows me to reflect and be proud of who they have become. Motherhood continues to be an awesome and rewarding experience. I want to thank my sister for giving this chance to share with you my joys of motherhood.
– Shawn Northington
Mother of 3: Mitchell, 25, Victoria, 20 and Jordan, 15
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The Joy of Motherhood is such an honor and a blessing, especially knowing that you were given this wonderful gift from God to mold, guide and nurture on the right path in this world. You try so hard to do your best to set the right example. When I look back over the years, the love and joy my daughter has brought to my life, I’m actually speechless. Every now and then I recall how my daughter would look up at me, smiling from ear to ear, with those beautiful brown eyes… my heart just melted. Nineteen years later, it still works! That gives me my “Joy of Motherhood!”
– Sheila Ellison
Mother of 1 Daughter,
Crystal, 19
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“A little girl once asked where her home was. She replied, ‘where mother is’.”
– Keith L. Brooks
Next month this column will run articles from fathers entitled: “What Have Been Your Greatest Joys of Fatherhood?” You don’t want to miss them!
Next Month: Celebration of Fatherhood
The writer does not assume responsibility in any way for readers’ efforts to apply or utilize information or recommendations made in this article, as they may not be necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. This information is for educational purposes only. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.