January 23, 1891 – Dr. Daniel Hale Williams founded Provident Hospital in Chicago, one of the first schools of nursing for black students in the U. S.
January 24, 1865 – Congress passed 13th Amendment which, on ratification, abolished slavery in the US.
January 25, 1851 – Sojourner Truth addressed the first Black Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, OH.
January 26, 1954 – Dermatologist Dr. Theodore K. Lawless was awarded the Spingarn Medal for his research in skin-related diseases.
January 27, 1961 – Leontyne Price made her Metropolitan Opera debut.
January 28, 1787 – Free Africa Society organized in Philadelphia.
January 29, 1926 – Violette Nealy Anderson became the first black woman lawyer to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.